The Last Devil to Die (Thursday Murder Club, #4)

Richard Osman
Viking • 2023

Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club.An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing.As the gang springs into action they e...ncounter art forgers, online fraudsters and drug dealers, as well as heartache close to home.With the body count rising, the package still missing and trouble firmly on their tail, has their luck finally run out? And who will be the last devil to die?

Sumár recenzie
Štvrtkový klub detektívov od Richarda Osmana je jednou z najobľúbenejších sérií, pričom nedávno vyšla štvrtá časť s názvom Kým zomrie posledný diabol. Táto kniha ponúka napínavý príbeh, ktorý sa odohráva prostredníctvom odvážnych dôchodcov, plný prekvapivých zvratov a humoru. Absurdné situácie, vtipné dialógy a dojímavé momenty robia z tejto detektívnej série skvelý čitateľský zážitok. Kým zomrie posledný diabol je knihou, ktorá nechýba na zábave ani na emóciách a odporúča sa prečítať všetky diely postupne.

Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club.

An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing.

As the gang springs into action they encounter art forgers, online fraudsters and drug dealers, as well as heartache close to home.

With the body count rising, the package still missing and trouble firmly on their tail, has their luck finally run out? And who will be the last devil to die?