You Don't Know My Name (The Black Angel Chronicles #1)

Kristen Orlando
Swoon Reads • 2017

Fighter. Faker. Student. Spy.Seventeen-year-old Reagan Elizabeth Hillis is used to changing identities overnight, lying to every friend she’s ever had, and pushing away anyone who gets too close. Trai...ained in mortal combat and weaponry her entire life, Reagan is expected to follow in her parents’ footsteps and join the ranks of the most powerful top-secret agency in the world, the Black Angels. Falling in love with the boy next door was never part of the plan. Now Reagan must decide: Will she use her incredible talents and lead the dangerous life she was born into, or throw it all away to follow her heart and embrace the normal life she’s always wanted? And does she even have a choice?

Recenze - Knihy

ANOTACE: Sedmnáctiletá Reagan Elizabeth Hillisová je zvyklá přes noc měnit identitu, lhát všem přátelům, které kdy měla, a odehnat každého, kdo by se jí snad dostal příliš blízko k tělu. Reagan je od dětství cvičená v boji na život a na smrt a umí bravurně zacházet s jakoukoli zbraní, protože se od ní očekává, že [...]

Fighter. Faker. Student. Spy.

Seventeen-year-old Reagan Elizabeth Hillis is used to changing identities overnight, lying to every friend she’s ever had, and pushing away anyone who gets too close. Trained in mortal combat and weaponry her entire life, Reagan is expected to follow in her parents’ footsteps and join the ranks of the most powerful top-secret agency in the world, the Black Angels. Falling in love with the boy next door was never part of the plan. Now Reagan must decide: Will she use her incredible talents and lead the dangerous life she was born into, or throw it all away to follow her heart and embrace the normal life she’s always wanted? And does she even have a choice?