All the Birds in the Sky

Charlie Jane Anders
Tor Books • 2016

Childhood friends Patricia Delfine, a witch, and Laurence Armstead, a mad scientist, parted ways under mysterious circumstances during middle school. But as adults they both wind up in near-future San... Francisco, where Laurence is an engineering genius and Patricia works with a small band of other magicians to secretly repair the world’s ever growing ailments. But something is determined to bring them back together—to either save the world, or end it.

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ANOTACE: Poté, co se na střední škole cesty Patricie Delfineové a Laurence Armsteada za záhadných okolností rozdělily, ani jeden z nich nečekal, že toho druhého ještě někdy uvidí. Koneckonců, když jeden získá magické schopnosti a druhý vynalezne dvouvteřinový stroj času, těžko se dá předpokládat, že by nevzbudil pozornost svých vrstevníků a rodiny. Ale teď jsou [...]

Childhood friends Patricia Delfine, a witch, and Laurence Armstead, a mad scientist, parted ways under mysterious circumstances during middle school. But as adults they both wind up in near-future San Francisco, where Laurence is an engineering genius and Patricia works with a small band of other magicians to secretly repair the world’s ever growing ailments. But something is determined to bring them back together—to either save the world, or end it.