Under Water, Under Earth

Aleksandra Mizielinska a Daniel Mizielinski

Discover the world that lies just beneath the surface!Hundreds of facts are waiting to be unearthed in this latest book from Aleksandra Mizielinska and Daniel Mizielinski, the duo behind Maps. Dive be...low the surface and find out what happens under earth and under sea—from early submarines and deep-sea life to burrowing animals and man-made tunnels.

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Veľmi ma bavia tieto novodobé encyklopédie. Krásne ukazujú, že na každú vec sa dá nahliadať rôznymi spôsobmi. A ako povedala pampúchova babka: „Aká škoda, že sme takéto krásne knihy nemali, keď sme boli mladí.“ Nuž, nič vám nebráni nenápadne nakúkať poza plecia vašich detí a žasnúť s nimi.  Hľadali ste niekedy niečo konkrétne na Wikipédii? Keď […]

Discover the world that lies just beneath the surface!

Hundreds of facts are waiting to be unearthed in this latest book from Aleksandra Mizielinska and Daniel Mizielinski, the duo behind Maps. Dive below the surface and find out what happens under earth and under sea—from early submarines and deep-sea life to burrowing animals and man-made tunnels.