365 Penguins

Jean-Luc Fromental (Joëlle Jolivet)
Harry N. Abrams • 2006

From the amazing success of the documentary March of the Penguins to the popular penguins in Madagascar to this fall’s upcoming penguin-themed movie Happy Feet, penguins are everywhere! That’s especia...ecially true for the family in 365 Penguins, who find a penguin mysteriously delivered to their door every day for a year. At first they’re cute, but with every passing day, the penguins pile up—along with the family’s problems. Feeding, cleaning, and housing the penguins becomes a monumental task. They’re noisy and smelly, and they always hog the bathroom! And who on earth is sending these kwaking critters? In a large format, and with lots of opportunity for counting, 365 Penguins is sure to become a perennial wintertime favorite.

  • Počet strán: 48 strán
  • ISBN13:9780810944602
  • Ďalšie vydania: 365 tučňáků

od 5 rokov prečítané leto recenzie baobab cesky cisla

Kniha o veľkých číslach a počítaní? Stačia tri farby a jeden tučniak na každý deň v roku. Úspech zaručený! Nebudem vás napínať, 365 tučňáků z vydavateľstva Baobab je hlavne veľká zábava. Vtipný príbeh o záhade tučniaka v balíku. Každé ráno rodinka dostane balíček bez spätnej adresy a v ňom tohto rozkošného tvora. Milé je, keď je […]

From the amazing success of the documentary March of the Penguins to the popular penguins in Madagascar to this fall’s upcoming penguin-themed movie Happy Feet, penguins are everywhere! That’s especially true for the family in 365 Penguins, who find a penguin mysteriously delivered to their door every day for a year. At first they’re cute, but with every passing day, the penguins pile up—along with the family’s problems. Feeding, cleaning, and housing the penguins becomes a monumental task. They’re noisy and smelly, and they always hog the bathroom! And who on earth is sending these kwaking critters? In a large format, and with lots of opportunity for counting, 365 Penguins is sure to become a perennial wintertime favorite.