The Returning (Seer, #3)

Rachelle Dekker

Twenty years have passed since Carrington and Remko Brant's baby, Elise, was kidnapped and they were forced to leave her captive in the Authority City. Though they fled with the Seers far from Authori...ty reach, they've never given up hope of rescuing their daughter from the man who betrayed them. Now Authority President, he's ushered the city into a new era of "peace" -- one where the Scientist Roth Reynard's Genesis Serum has eradicated all memory of emotion or rebellion. But the mysterious Aaron and his Seers are once again on the move, threatening the illusion the Authority has worked so hard to build. As the Seers send seven chosen warriors to rescue Elise and bring restoration to the Authority City, the lines are drawn for a final battle between light and darkness. The key to ultimate victory may rest within the strangely powerful girl who has felt forgotten but was never abandoned -- a truth she'll need to wage war against the powerful forces of evil.

  • Počet strán: 432 strán
  • ISBN13:9781496402288
  • Ďalšie vydania: Návrat
  • Séria: Seer

V žánri young adult sa toho za posledné roky napísalo toľko, že je už pomerne ťažké priniesť v ňom niečo nové. A tak sa témy zvyknú opakovať, ale s odlišným spracovaním. A to znamená, že autori (alebo - vo väčšine prípadov - autorky) sa snažia prísť s čímsi lepším, väčším, epickejším... a hrdinovia sa dostávajú do temnejších vôd, kde občas zabúdajú na pôvodné morálne hodnoty. Americká[...]

Od chvíle, keď Carrington a Remko Brantovci boli nútení nechať svoju dcérku Elise vo vládnom meste, uplynulo dvadsať rokov. Hoci spolu s ostatnými prorokmi utiekli ďaleko mimo dosahu vlády, nikdy sa nevzdali nádeje, že ju z rúk zradcu zachránia. Ten sa medzitým stal prezidentom a mesto voviedol do novej éry „pokoja“, navodenej sérom Genezis, ktoré z ľudskej pamäti vymazalo všetky[...]

Twenty years have passed since Carrington and Remko Brant's baby, Elise, was kidnapped and they were forced to leave her captive in the Authority City. Though they fled with the Seers far from Authority reach, they've never given up hope of rescuing their daughter from the man who betrayed them. Now Authority President, he's ushered the city into a new era of "peace" -- one where the Scientist Roth Reynard's Genesis Serum has eradicated all memory of emotion or rebellion. But the mysterious Aaron and his Seers are once again on the move, threatening the illusion the Authority has worked so hard to build. As the Seers send seven chosen warriors to rescue Elise and bring restoration to the Authority City, the lines are drawn for a final battle between light and darkness. The key to ultimate victory may rest within the strangely powerful girl who has felt forgotten but was never abandoned -- a truth she'll need to wage war against the powerful forces of evil.