What She Left

T.R. Richmond
Michael Joseph • 2015

Gone doesn't mean forgotten.When Alice Salmon died last year, the ripples were felt in the news, on the internet, and in the hearts of those who knew her best.But the person who knows her most intimat...ely isn't family or a friend. Dr Jeremy Cook is an academic whose life has become about piecing together Alice's existence in all its flawed and truthful reality.For Cooke, faithfully recreating Alice's life - through her diaries, emails and anything using her voice - is all-consuming. He does not know how deep his search will take him, or the shocking nature of what he will uncover...

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To, ako pôsobíme na verejnosti nie vždy odráža to, akým človekom sme vo svojom vnútri. Tento román mapuje smrť dvadsaťpäťročnej novinárky, ktorá sa zaujímala o závažné témy. Je možné, že ju niekto zabil, aby sa nehrabala vo veciach, v ktorých nemala? Alebo spadla do rieky nešťastnou náhodou?Aká bola? Chcela by sama skoncovať so životom? Všetci poznajú takú Alice, akú chcú poznať. Nik ju[...]

Gone doesn't mean forgotten.

When Alice Salmon died last year, the ripples were felt in the news, on the internet, and in the hearts of those who knew her best.

But the person who knows her most intimately isn't family or a friend. Dr Jeremy Cook is an academic whose life has become about piecing together Alice's existence in all its flawed and truthful reality.

For Cooke, faithfully recreating Alice's life - through her diaries, emails and anything using her voice - is all-consuming. He does not know how deep his search will take him, or the shocking nature of what he will uncover...