John Barleycorn: Alcoholic Memoirs

Jack London (John Sutherland)

First published in 1913, John Barleycorn is the first intelligent literary treatise on alcohol in American literature. London offers acute generalizations on Barleycorn together with a close narrative... of his own drinking career, which was heroic in scale. It is, however, as an exercise in autobiography that his book principally attracts the modern reader. London's life was tragically short but packed with episode and adventure. In John Barleycorn he records his early hardships in Oakland, his experiences as oyster pirate, deep-sea sealer, hobo, Yukon goldminer, student, drop-out, and - ultimately - best-selling author. Long neglected by London partisans (who wish he had never written it) and used against him by critics who would see him as a self-confessed drunk, John Barleycorn deserves to be celebrated for what it is: a classic of American autobiography.

  • Počet strán: 288 strán
  • ISBN13:9780192837172
  • Ďalšie vydania: Majster Alkohol

Recenzie SnowMouse Publishing

Jack London, vlastným menom John Griffith Chaney je uznávaný spisovateľ, ktorého diela sa už teraz zaradujú medzi nesmrteľné klasiky.Majster Alkohol je autobiografickou tvorbou, v ktorej sa priznáva, že je závislý a dovoľuje nám nahliadnuť do jeho mysle. V plnej miere si uvedomuje následky svojho konania, takže kniha sa stáva pre čitateľa čoraz zaujímavejšia.  Jack berie alkohol ako[...]

First published in 1913, John Barleycorn is the first intelligent literary treatise on alcohol in American literature. London offers acute generalizations on Barleycorn together with a close narrative of his own drinking career, which was heroic in scale. It is, however, as an exercise in autobiography that his book principally attracts the modern reader. London's life was tragically short but packed with episode and adventure. In John Barleycorn he records his early hardships in Oakland, his experiences as oyster pirate, deep-sea sealer, hobo, Yukon goldminer, student, drop-out, and - ultimately - best-selling author. Long neglected by London partisans (who wish he had never written it) and used against him by critics who would see him as a self-confessed drunk, John Barleycorn deserves to be celebrated for what it is: a classic of American autobiography.