I Walk with Vanessa: A Story about a Simple Act of Kindness


This simple yet powerful picture book tells the story of an elementary school girl named Vanessa who is bullied and a fellow student who witnesses the act and is at first unsure of how to help. I Walk... with Vanessa explores the feelings of helplessness and anger that arise in the wake of seeing a classmate treated badly, and shows how a single act of kindness can lead to an entire community joining in to help. With themes of acceptance, kindness, and strength in numbers, this timeless and profound feel-good story will resonate with readers young and old.

  • Počet strán: 32 strán
  • ISBN13:9781524769567

od 5 rokov recenzie bez slov picture book priatelstvo rodina skola spolocnost vychova

Už ste to určite počuli, ale nezaškodí si pripomenúť: aj malé veci majú veľkú váhu. Práve o jednom malom prejave láskavosti je kniha bez slov I Walk with Vanessa. Kniha je síce bez slov, ale na prebale hardbacku sú predstavení traja hrdinovia príbehu. Vanessa, dievča, […]

This simple yet powerful picture book tells the story of an elementary school girl named Vanessa who is bullied and a fellow student who witnesses the act and is at first unsure of how to help. I Walk with Vanessa explores the feelings of helplessness and anger that arise in the wake of seeing a classmate treated badly, and shows how a single act of kindness can lead to an entire community joining in to help. With themes of acceptance, kindness, and strength in numbers, this timeless and profound feel-good story will resonate with readers young and old.