Love's Awakening (The Ballantyne Legacy, #2)

Laura Frantz
Revell Books • 2013

The path to true love lies somewhere between two feuding families In the spring of 1822, Ellie Ballantyne leaves finishing school and returns to the family home in Pittsburg only to find that her p...arents are away on a long journey and her siblings don't seem to want her to stay. Determined to stand her ground and find her place in the world, Ellie fills her time by opening a day school for young ladies.But when one of her students turns out to be an incorrigible young member of the Turlock family, Ellie knows she must walk a fine line. Slaveholders and whiskey magnates, the Turlocks are envious of the powerful Ballantynes and suspicious of their abolitionist leanings. As Ellie becomes increasingly entangled with the rival clan--particularly the handsome Jack Turlock--she finds herself falling in love with an impossible future. Will she betray her family and side with the enemy?Masterful storyteller Laura Frantz continues to unfold the stirring saga of the Ballantyne family in this majestic tale of love and loyalty. This is the Ballantyne Legacy.

Táto recenzia sa mi bude písať ťažko. Cítim to. Napísala som jednu jedinú vetu za úbohých 5 minút. A aj tá veta iba znie “Táto recenzia sa mi bude písať ťažko.” Laura Frantzová je pre mňa spisovateľka, ktorá si získala moje srdce už vďaka jej prvému preloženému románu do slovenčiny, ktorým je Kováčov učeň od... Čítať viac

Cesta k pravej láske sa skrýva medzi rodinami dvoch zakladateľov Pittsburghu. Na jar 1822 sa Ellie Ballantyneová rozhodne zanechať školu a vrátiť sa k rodičom do Pittsburghu. Po príchode domov však zistí, že rodičia sú na dlhšiu dobu odcestovaní a nezdá sa, že by súrodenci jej návrat ktovieako vítali. Ellie je však odhodlaná vzdorovať prekážkam a nájsť si svoje miesto na zemi. Zakrátko[...]

Originál: Love´s Awakening (2013) Autor: Laura Frantz Vydavateľstvo: Preklad: Eva Bubnášová Počet strán: 344 Rok vydania: 2018Na jar 1822 sa Ellie Ballantyneová rozhodne zanechať školu a vrátiť sa k rodičom do Pittsburghu. Po príchode domov však zistí, že rodičia sú na dlhšiu dobu odcestovaní a nezdá sa, že by súrodenci jej návrat ktovieako vítali. Ellie je však odhodlaná[...]

The path to true love lies somewhere between two feuding families

In the spring of 1822, Ellie Ballantyne leaves finishing school and returns to the family home in Pittsburg only to find that her parents are away on a long journey and her siblings don't seem to want her to stay. Determined to stand her ground and find her place in the world, Ellie fills her time by opening a day school for young ladies.

But when one of her students turns out to be an incorrigible young member of the Turlock family, Ellie knows she must walk a fine line. Slaveholders and whiskey magnates, the Turlocks are envious of the powerful Ballantynes and suspicious of their abolitionist leanings. As Ellie becomes increasingly entangled with the rival clan--particularly the handsome Jack Turlock--she finds herself falling in love with an impossible future. Will she betray her family and side with the enemy?

Masterful storyteller Laura Frantz continues to unfold the stirring saga of the Ballantyne family in this majestic tale of love and loyalty. This is the Ballantyne Legacy.