I Am a Wonder Woman

Ellen Bailey
Portable Press • 2018

An entertaining look at some of the most influential women in history.I Am a Wonder Woman is an entertaining and inspirational look at some of the most influential women in history, from ancient times... to the modern day. Each page is filled with amazing stories about the women who have shaped the world and inspired others to follow in their footsteps. Readers can step into the lives of these pioneers by completing unique activities and answering thought-provoking questions. Quirky artwork throughout helps bring each woman’s story to life.

Objevuj a následuj je Autorka: Bailey Ellen | Rok vydání: 2018 | Nakladatelství: Grada | Hodnocení: 5*/5* recenzní výtisk Vzpomínáte si, kdo byl v dětství vaším idolem nebo vás prostě motivoval? Mě se popravdě vybavuje moje mamka a Hana Montana (a teď se tomu směji). V té době jsem popravdě neměla tušení, že existují velké ženy jako je Amna Al Haddadová nebo Michelle Obamová, a jak jsem[...]

An entertaining look at some of the most influential women in history.

I Am a Wonder Woman is an entertaining and inspirational look at some of the most influential women in history, from ancient times to the modern day. Each page is filled with amazing stories about the women who have shaped the world and inspired others to follow in their footsteps. Readers can step into the lives of these pioneers by completing unique activities and answering thought-provoking questions. Quirky artwork throughout helps bring each woman’s story to life.