Dear Life

Meghan Quinn

Four lives. Four stories. Four sets of letters. Four brave souls in need of guidance while facing life's greatest challenges.The anonymously published Dear Life program is designed to help them step o...utside of their comfort zones, face their obstacles, and relinquish their demons...and prove their existence.With their lives teetering between wanting more and losing it all, all four souls dive into the program as a New Year's resolution, sending them on a crazy, life-altering journey. Dear Life, Please be kind. Yours truly, Hollyn, Jace, Daisy, and Carter.

  • Počet strán: 354 strán
  • ISBN13:9781542534291
  • Originálny názov: Dear Life

Dear Life - Meghan Quinn Anotáciu nájdete TU.Prečo?No čo vám poviem. Mám proste slabosť na zlomené duše. To sa týka všetkých týchto kníh. Ale prečo si prečítať Dear Life? Rozpráva príbeh 4 ľudí. Odlišných ľudí, ktorí sa navzájom vôbec nepoznajú. Všetci však zažili nejakú tragédiu, život im celý čas hádže granáty pod nohy.  A tak je tu program, ktorý pomáha práve takýmto ľuďom. Táto kniha je[...]

Four lives. Four stories. Four sets of letters. Four brave souls in need of guidance while facing life's greatest challenges.The anonymously published Dear Life program is designed to help them step outside of their comfort zones, face their obstacles, and relinquish their demons...and prove their existence.With their lives teetering between wanting more and losing it all, all four souls dive into the program as a New Year's resolution, sending them on a crazy, life-altering journey. Dear Life, Please be kind. Yours truly, Hollyn, Jace, Daisy, and Carter.