
Claire Morgan a Patricia Highsmith

Patricia Highsmith's story of romantic obsession may be one of the most important, but still largely unrecognized, novels of the twentieth century. First published in 1952 and touted as "the novel of ...a love that society forbids," the book soon became a cult classic.Based on a true story plucked from Highsmith's own life, Carol tells the riveting drama of Therese Belivet, a stage designer trapped in a department-store day job, whose routine is forever shattered by a gorgeous epiphany—the appearance of Carol Aird, a customer who comes in to buy her daughter a Christmas toy. Therese begins to gravitate toward the alluring suburban housewife, who is trapped in a marriage as stultifying as Therese's job. They fall in love and set out across the United States, ensnared by society's confines and the imminent disapproval of others, yet propelled by their infatuation. Carol is a brilliantly written story that may surprise Highsmith fans and will delight those discovering her work.This authorized edition includes an afterword by Patricia Highsmith. Previously titled The Price of Salt.

Zatiaľ čo film Carol som videla už v roku jeho vydania, teda v roku 2015, kniha od Patricie Highsmith, pôvodne nazvaná Cena [...] The post Carol / Film VS Kniha appeared first on .

Knihy podzim tip na knihu

Tak jsem dumala nad tím, čím bych teď knihoblogerském vesmíru takhle zkraje podzimu mohla přispět a nenapadlo mě nic lepšího, než dát do kupy tipy na knihy, které se podle mě nejkrásněji čtou právě v tomhle období. Ještě máte trošku času, než se zbaví listí a ranní mlhy se ukážou v plné kráse, tak si koukejte pořídit co nejvíc příběhů z tohoto seznamu, protože dámy a pánové, tímto se s vámi[...]

Patricia Highsmith's story of romantic obsession may be one of the most important, but still largely unrecognized, novels of the twentieth century. First published in 1952 and touted as "the novel of a love that society forbids," the book soon became a cult classic.

Based on a true story plucked from Highsmith's own life, Carol tells the riveting drama of Therese Belivet, a stage designer trapped in a department-store day job, whose routine is forever shattered by a gorgeous epiphany—the appearance of Carol Aird, a customer who comes in to buy her daughter a Christmas toy. Therese begins to gravitate toward the alluring suburban housewife, who is trapped in a marriage as stultifying as Therese's job. They fall in love and set out across the United States, ensnared by society's confines and the imminent disapproval of others, yet propelled by their infatuation. Carol is a brilliantly written story that may surprise Highsmith fans and will delight those discovering her work.

This authorized edition includes an afterword by Patricia Highsmith. Previously titled The Price of Salt.