Brooklyn Girls (Brooklyn Girls, #1)

Gemma Burgess

Fantastically funny, fresh and utterly relatable, Brooklyn Girls by Gemma Burgess is the first novel in her brand new series about five twenty-something friends—Pia, Angie, Julia, Coco and Madeleine—s...—sharing a brownstone in hip, downtown Brooklyn, and discovering the ups and downs and ins and outs of their “semi-adult” lives. The first story belongs to sophisticated, spoiled, and stylish Pia, who finds herself completely unemployed, unemployable, and broke. So what is a recent grad with an art history degree and an unfortunate history of Facebook topless photos to do? Start a food truck business of course! Pia takes on the surprisingly cutthroat Brooklyn world of hybrid lettuce growers, artisanal yogurt makers and homemade butter producers to start SkinnyWheels—all while dealing with hipster bees, one-night-stands, heartbreak, parental fury, wild parties, revenge, jail, loan sharks, playboys, karaoke, true love, and one adorable pink food truck. And that's without counting her roommates' problems, too. Gemma Burgess has captured the confusion, hilarity and excitement of the post-graduate years against a backdrop of the pressures and chaos of New York City life, with heartfelt empathy, fast humor and sharp honesty.A charming debut series about five twenty-something girls and the humor, heartbreak, and drama that bring them together.

Hodnotenia Mini recenzia Čas na recenziu Čítanie 2015

Baby z Brooklynu: Pia - Gemma Burgess Moja obálková závislosť je späť a tentoraz som si posvietila na sériu Brooklyn Girls. Ideme zľava doprava. Prvá obálka je americká a ako môžete vidieť, Slovart veľmi nešpekuloval ani pri tej našej a ostal verný pôvodnej obálke. Za čo som im inak veľmi vďačná, lebo podľa mňa akurát táto obálka dokonale vystihuj príbeh a celú atmosféru knihy. Druhá[...]

4 kuratá contemporary

Kniha Brooklyn Girls od Gemmy Burgess sa venuje osudom piatich kamarátok, ktoré spolu bývajú v starom dome v Brooklyne. Dievčatá práve skončili vysokú školu a štartujú naozajstný dospelácky život. Angie je divoký živel s bohatými rodičmi, ktorý smeruje od jednej krízy k druhej. Julia a Coco sú sestry. Julia je staršia, vždy zodpovedná, rozbieha karéru vo finančnom sektore. Coco rada[...]

Fantastically funny, fresh and utterly relatable, Brooklyn Girls by Gemma Burgess is the first novel in her brand new series about five twenty-something friends—Pia, Angie, Julia, Coco and Madeleine—sharing a brownstone in hip, downtown Brooklyn, and discovering the ups and downs and ins and outs of their “semi-adult” lives. The first story belongs to sophisticated, spoiled, and stylish Pia, who finds herself completely unemployed, unemployable, and broke. So what is a recent grad with an art history degree and an unfortunate history of Facebook topless photos to do? Start a food truck business of course! Pia takes on the surprisingly cutthroat Brooklyn world of hybrid lettuce growers, artisanal yogurt makers and homemade butter producers to start SkinnyWheels—all while dealing with hipster bees, one-night-stands, heartbreak, parental fury, wild parties, revenge, jail, loan sharks, playboys, karaoke, true love, and one adorable pink food truck. And that's without counting her roommates' problems, too. Gemma Burgess has captured the confusion, hilarity and excitement of the post-graduate years against a backdrop of the pressures and chaos of New York City life, with heartfelt empathy, fast humor and sharp honesty.

A charming debut series about five twenty-something girls and the humor, heartbreak, and drama that bring them together.