#Selfie (Hashtag, #4)

Cambria Hebert

It’s all about the #Selfie.She was the one girl I never wanted.Until I had her.One night.One mistake.Something we both wanted to forget.I got rid of the proof. The one piece of evidence that could rem...emind us both.At least, I thought I did.When it shows up on the school Buzzfeed, rumors fly. Friendships are tested and the feels get real.I don’t do relationships. I don’t open my heart.Especially for a girl everyone knows I hate.What happens during spring break, stays in spring break.Until it follows you home.

  • Počet strán: 253 strán
  • ISBN13:9781938857713
  • Séria: Hashtag

2015RCH Hodnotenia Mesačné zhrnutia Mini recenzia Zoznamy Čítanie 2015

JÚN A-hojte! Ako môžete vidieť, všetky zameškané mesačné zhrnutia som stihla dať za +/- týždeň. Takže aspoň sama pre seba som zistila, že keď mám čas, chcem a sadnem si na riť, tak viem aj rýchlejšie písať články ako doteraz. Juchú, našla som v mojom zanedbávaní pozitívum, to si dovoľ. :D Takže, jún, jún, jún... čo som to robila (hľadám mobil, aby som si mohla pozrieť Jorteho - btw.[...]

It’s all about the #Selfie.

She was the one girl I never wanted.

Until I had her.

One night.

One mistake.

Something we both wanted to forget.

I got rid of the proof. The one piece of evidence that could remind us both.

At least, I thought I did.

When it shows up on the school Buzzfeed, rumors fly. Friendships are tested and the feels get real.

I don’t do relationships. I don’t open my heart.

Especially for a girl everyone knows I hate.

What happens during spring break, stays in spring break.

Until it follows you home.