Our Chemical Hearts

Krystal Sutherland

Henry Page has never been in love. He fancies himself a hopeless romantic, but the slo-mo, heart palpitating, can't-eat-can't-sleep kind of love that he's been hoping for just hasn't been in the cards... for him-at least not yet. Instead, he's been happy to focus on his grades, on getting into a semi-decent college and finally becoming editor of his school newspaper. Then Grace Town walks into his first period class on the third Tuesday of senior year and he knows everything's about to change.Grace isn't who Henry pictured as his dream girl-she walks with a cane, wears oversized boys' clothes, and rarely seems to shower. But when Grace and Henry are both chosen to edit the school paper, he quickly finds himself falling for her. It's obvious there's something broken about Grace, but it seems to make her even more beautiful to Henry, and he wants nothing more than to help her put the pieces back together again. And yet, this isn't your average story of boy meets girl. Krystal Sutherland's brilliant debut is equal parts wit and heartbreak, a potent reminder of the bittersweet bliss that is first love.

Co jsem přečetla

Vždycky jsem už předem trochu skeptická ke knížkám, které mají v názvu „láska“. To samé platí o knihách, které hned od začátku tvrdí, že nejsou „žádná obyčejná love story“. Protože přiznejme si to, poslední dobou patří ke znakům průměrné love story to, že se prohlašuje za docela neobyčejnou. Takže jsem k Lásce v prachu hvězdpřistupovala dvakrát ostražitě. Henry Page nikdy nebyl[...]

***** dojemný láska Láska v prachu hvězd milostný Recenze romantický romantika YOLi young adult zamilovaný

Název: Láska v prachu hvězd Autor: Krystal Shutherlandová Nakladatelství: YOLi Rok vydání: 2017  Počet stránek: 299 Celkové hodnocení: ***** Známý astrolog Carl Sagan kdysi řekl, že "všichni jsme jen hvězdný prach". Je to dáno tím, že chemické prvky obsažené v neživé i živé hmotě na Zemi jsou vesměs výsledkem termonukleárních procesů v nitrech hvězd. Takový odpad[...]

Čo je to láska? Niektorí tvrdia, že je to iba chémia. Druhí zas veria v niečo nadprirodzené, čo dokáže život človeka od základov zmeniť. Urobiť ho šťastným, ale takisto ho aj zahubiť. Stredoškolák Henry zatiaľ nepocítil, aké je to byť zamilovaný. Síce sa považuje za romantika, nikdy nenašiel to správne dievča, pri ktorom by sa mu beznádejne rozbúšilo srdce. Ale keď v maturitnom ročníku[...]

Henry Page has never been in love. He fancies himself a hopeless romantic, but the slo-mo, heart palpitating, can't-eat-can't-sleep kind of love that he's been hoping for just hasn't been in the cards for him-at least not yet. Instead, he's been happy to focus on his grades, on getting into a semi-decent college and finally becoming editor of his school newspaper. Then Grace Town walks into his first period class on the third Tuesday of senior year and he knows everything's about to change.

Grace isn't who Henry pictured as his dream girl-she walks with a cane, wears oversized boys' clothes, and rarely seems to shower. But when Grace and Henry are both chosen to edit the school paper, he quickly finds himself falling for her. It's obvious there's something broken about Grace, but it seems to make her even more beautiful to Henry, and he wants nothing more than to help her put the pieces back together again. And yet, this isn't your average story of boy meets girl. Krystal Sutherland's brilliant debut is equal parts wit and heartbreak, a potent reminder of the bittersweet bliss that is first love.