Kill the Next One

Federico Axat (David Frye)
Mulholland Books • 2016

An audacious psychological thriller where nothing is what it seems.Ted McKay had it all: a beautiful wife, two daughters, a high-paying job. But after being diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor he fi...nds himself with a gun to his temple, ready to pull the trigger. Then the doorbell rings.A stranger makes him a proposition: why not kill two deserving men before dying? The first target is a criminal, and the second is a man with terminal cancer who, like Ted, wants to die. After executing these kills, Ted will become someone else's next target, like a kind of suicidal daisy chain. Ted understands the stranger's logic: it's easier for a victim's family to deal with a murder than with a suicide. However, after killing his targets, Ted's reality begins to unravel. KILL THE NEXT ONE, an immersive psychological thriller from an exciting new voice.

Úspešný právnik Ted McKay má všetko, po čom človek môže túžiť. Keď mu však diagnostikujú nádor na mozgu, rozhodne sa spáchať samovraždu. Práve keď sa chystá streliť si guľku do hlavy, vyruší ho zvonček pri dverách. Spočiatku chce Ted nevítaného hosťa ignorovať, ale napokon dvere otvorí. Neznámy návštevník má pre Teda návrh: ponúkne mu členstvo v tajnej organizácii, ktorá zabíja vrahov,[...]

An audacious psychological thriller where nothing is what it seems.

Ted McKay had it all: a beautiful wife, two daughters, a high-paying job. But after being diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor he finds himself with a gun to his temple, ready to pull the trigger. Then the doorbell rings.

A stranger makes him a proposition: why not kill two deserving men before dying? The first target is a criminal, and the second is a man with terminal cancer who, like Ted, wants to die. After executing these kills, Ted will become someone else's next target, like a kind of suicidal daisy chain. Ted understands the stranger's logic: it's easier for a victim's family to deal with a murder than with a suicide. However, after killing his targets, Ted's reality begins to unravel. KILL THE NEXT ONE, an immersive psychological thriller from an exciting new voice.