Love from Heaven

Lorna Byrne

Love from Heaven will transform the way you think about love; it will stir up the love that is within you, making you more compassionate, happier and will change your life and the lives of the people ...around you.Lorna Byrne, the Irish mystic who sees angels as clearly as she sees people, reveals for the first time that she also sees love as a physical force. This gives her a unique insight into love.We are all born as pure love but Lorna sees 90% of all adults with what looks like a transparent iron band around the body at heart level locking away most of this love. We can't destroy or diminish this love though and Lorna, in this book, teaches us how we can release more of this love and love ourselves and others more.

  • Počet strán: strán
  • ISBN13:9781444786323
  • Ďalšie vydania: Láska z nebies

Books giveaway

Kniha Láska z nebies je  prvým kúskom ezoteriky v mojej "knižničke". Nikdy by ma ani nenapadlo si ju kúpiť, hlavne pre to že tento žáner vôbec nečítam, bol to dar a musím povedať že veľmi vydarený.Je to kniha plná jemnocitu a myšlienok o láske a jej dôležitosti. Knihy Lorny Byrneovej sú veľmi špecifické a to hlavne pre to že Lorna vraj vidí anjelov. Aspoň to tvrdí. Je už na vás či v anjelov[...]

Love from Heaven will transform the way you think about love; it will stir up the love that is within you, making you more compassionate, happier and will change your life and the lives of the people around you.

Lorna Byrne, the Irish mystic who sees angels as clearly as she sees people, reveals for the first time that she also sees love as a physical force. This gives her a unique insight into love.

We are all born as pure love but Lorna sees 90% of all adults with what looks like a transparent iron band around the body at heart level locking away most of this love. We can't destroy or diminish this love though and Lorna, in this book, teaches us how we can release more of this love and love ourselves and others more.