Before You Go

Clare Swatman
Pan Macmillan • 2017

Some people stare love in the face for years before they find it. Zoe and Ed fumbled their way into adulthood, both on different paths - but always in the same direction. Years later, having navigated... dead-end jobs and chaotic house shares, romance finally blossoms. Their future together looks set . . .Then the unthinkable happens.One morning, on his way to work, Ed is knocked off his bike and dies. Now Zoe must find a way to survive. But she's not ready to let go of the memories. How can she forget all of the happy times, their first kiss, everything they'd built together? Zoe decides she has to tell Ed all the things she never said.Now it's too late. Or is it?

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Rozlúčka neznamená, že je všetkému koniec “Vždy budem ľutovať veci, ktoré som povedala, i tie, čo som nevyslovila. Už nikdy nebudem mať možnosť zmeniť to, čo som urobila v deň, keď zomrel, či v predchádzajúcich mesiacoch a rokoch. Uvedomujem si, že sa to nedá, preto si v pamäti uchovám spomienky na šťastné časy a zabudnem na všetko zlé…” Obrad pokračoval, no Zoe nevnímala, čo sa hovorilo.[...]

Počas života človek prežije rôzne chvíle, ktoré mu nie sú po chuti a ktoré by najradšej zo svojich spomienok vymazal. Zoe a Ed to nemali vo vzťahu jednoduché a prešli si rôznymi prekážkami, problémami či nezhodami. Aj napriek tomu ale vždy kráčali spolu jedným smerom. Po rokoch sa v ich živote vystriedalo všetko – láska, šťastie, hádky, zúfalstvo i zmierenie, a zdá sa, že ich krásnej[...]

Some people stare love in the face for years before they find it. Zoe and Ed fumbled their way into adulthood, both on different paths - but always in the same direction. Years later, having navigated dead-end jobs and chaotic house shares, romance finally blossoms. Their future together looks set . . .

Then the unthinkable happens.

One morning, on his way to work, Ed is knocked off his bike and dies. Now Zoe must find a way to survive. But she's not ready to let go of the memories. How can she forget all of the happy times, their first kiss, everything they'd built together? Zoe decides she has to tell Ed all the things she never said.

Now it's too late. Or is it?