
Ryszard Kapuściński (Klara Glowczewska)

Imperium is the story of an empire: the constellation of states that was submerged under a single identity for most of the twentieth century - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This is's vivid, compelling and personal report on the life and death of the Soviet superpower, from the entrance of Soviet troops into his hometown in Poland in 1939, through his journey across desolate Siberia and the republics of Central Asia in the 1950s and 60s, to his wanderings over the vast Soviet lands - from Poland to the Pacific, the Arctic Circle to Afghanistan - in the years of the USSR's decline and final disintegration in 1991.

  • Počet strán: strán
  • ISBN13:9781862071056
  • Ďalšie vydania: Impérium

Impérium. Sovietsky zväz ovládal všetkých a všetko. Každý bol v hľadáčiku. Každý bol podozrivý. Impérium – slovo moci a strachu. Pomenovanie nespravodlivej vlády, kde nie sú ľudia ničím. Musia poslúchať rozkazy, inak dopadnú zle.Nič nesmelo vyčnievať. Ruské národy boli na jedno kopyto. Akoby cez jednu šablónu. Bývalé neruské časti Sovietskeho zväzu strácali svoju svojbytnosť, no niečo si[...]

Pro polskou školu reportáže mám velkou slabost a Ryszard Kapuściński patří k předním představitelům tohoto literárního fenoménu. Impérium je skvělou reportáží o Rusku, převážně z doby, kdy se Rusko jmenovalo SSSR. Autor se při psaní vrací i do svého dětství, kdy se s impériem setkal poprvé osobně, ve formě okupantských vojáků. — Autor se na impérium … Pokračovat ve čtení Impérium – Ryszard[...]

Recenzie Ryszard Kapuscinski

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Imperium is the story of an empire: the constellation of states that was submerged under a single identity for most of the twentieth century - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This is Kapuscinski's vivid, compelling and personal report on the life and death of the Soviet superpower, from the entrance of Soviet troops into his hometown in Poland in 1939, through his journey across desolate Siberia and the republics of Central Asia in the 1950s and 60s, to his wanderings over the vast Soviet lands - from Poland to the Pacific, the Arctic Circle to Afghanistan - in the years of the USSR's decline and final disintegration in 1991.