
Daphne du Maurier

Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again . . .The novel begins in Monte Carlo, where our heroine is swept off her feet by the dashing widower Maxim de Winter and his sudden proposal of marriage. ...Orphaned and working as a lady's maid, she can barely believe her luck. It is only when they arrive at his massive country estate that she realizes how large a shadow his late wife will cast over their lives--presenting her with a lingering evil that threatens to destroy their marriage from beyond the grave.

  • Počet strán: 449 strán
  • ISBN13:9780316323703
  • Ďalšie vydania: Rebeka Rebecca

Na knihu Rebecca od Daphne du Maurier som sa tešila, ale zároveň som ju dlhšie odkladala kvôli jej hrúbke. RozhodlaContinue Reading

Rebecca ma zaujala - námetom i novou netflixovskou adaptáciou. A keď už som v krátkom čase prečítala knihu aj videla film, bola by škoda nevyužiť to v článku. Daphne du Maurier: Rebecca (1938) [GR]vs.Netflix: Rebecca (2020) [IMDb] Rebecca rozpráva príbeh mladého dievčaťa, ktoré sa zamiluje do staršieho boháča Maximiliana de Winter. Maxim nedávno za tragických okolností prišiel o[...]

"V noci sa mi snívalo, že som bola opäť v Manderley." Túto vetu, rovnako ako úvodné vety z iných slávnych románov, poznajú milióny literárnych nadšencov po celom svete. Touto vetou sa totiž začína Rebeka, fantastický román Daphne du Maurier, ktorý sa radí medzi klasiku svetovej literatúry. A to napriek tomu, že vyšiel pomerne "nedávno" -…

Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again . . .

The novel begins in Monte Carlo, where our heroine is swept off her feet by the dashing widower Maxim de Winter and his sudden proposal of marriage. Orphaned and working as a lady's maid, she can barely believe her luck. It is only when they arrive at his massive country estate that she realizes how large a shadow his late wife will cast over their lives--presenting her with a lingering evil that threatens to destroy their marriage from beyond the grave.