
Jo Nesbø (Don Bartlett)

Roger Brown is a corporate headhunter, and he’s a master of his profession. But one career simply can’t support his luxurious lifestyle and his wife’s fledgling art gallery. At an art opening one nigh...e night he meets Clas Greve, who is not only the perfect candidate for a major CEO job, but also, perhaps, the answer to his financial woes: Greve just so happens to mention that he owns a priceless Peter Paul Rubens painting that’s been lost since World War II—and Roger Brown just so happens to dabble in art theft. But when he breaks into Greve’s apartment, he finds more than just the painting. And Clas Greve may turn out to be the worst thing that’s ever happened to Roger Brown.

2008 Musím sa priznať, knihu od tohto autora mám v rukách prvýkrát. Nie som totiž fanúšik záhadných detektívnych príbehov a thrillerov plných napätia. Jednako som však musel siahnuť po tomto diele na základe odporúčaní a recenzií kolujúcich na všemožných knižných portáloch. Presvedčil ma aj fakt, že Jo Nesbo  nie je žiaden nováčik. Má za sebou niekoľko úspešných knižných titulov, je[...]

  Pre pokoj našich dnešných duší sa najskôr odosobníme od faktu, že s touto recenziou idem 35 psích a 5 ľudských rokov po vydaní. Máme? Vynikajúco! Plynulo tak môžeme prejsť k dôležitejším veciam - je alebo nie je táto Nesbøva kniha pecka peckovatá? A odpoveď? Je to NESBØ! Tým pádom je všetko jasné. Púšťať sa do…

Roger Brown is a corporate headhunter, and he’s a master of his profession. But one career simply can’t support his luxurious lifestyle and his wife’s fledgling art gallery. At an art opening one night he meets Clas Greve, who is not only the perfect candidate for a major CEO job, but also, perhaps, the answer to his financial woes: Greve just so happens to mention that he owns a priceless Peter Paul Rubens painting that’s been lost since World War II—and Roger Brown just so happens to dabble in art theft. But when he breaks into Greve’s apartment, he finds more than just the painting. And Clas Greve may turn out to be the worst thing that’s ever happened to Roger Brown.