The Million Dollar Blog

Natasha Courtenay-Smith
Piatkus • 2016

In a world where everyone wants to blog and blog posts are ubiquitous, how do you stand out? How do you blog your way from nobody to somebody? How do you, as a business owner, use content to build you...r brand and drive your success?Blogging has become the ‘it’ career of the modern world and every business knows that blogging should be an integral part of their marketing and success, but it’s actually never been tougher to be shine in the digital storytelling landscape.No matter who are you – a mum at home, a budding fashion blogger or a small business owner –The Million Dollar Blog will be your ultimate guide to starting a successful blog or taking your existing blog to the next level.Through a combination of practical advice and interviews with some of the world’s most famous and successful bloggers, vloggers and content strategists, including Seth Godin, Lily Pebbles, Grant Cardone and Madeleine Shaw, entrepreneur and digital strategist Natasha Courtenay Smith shows you how to build a blog that will increase your profile, create new opportunities, earn money and change your life.

Recenzie SnowMouse Publishing

Ako vyniknúť vo svete, kde takmer denne vznikajú nové blogy? Ako vyniknúť vo svete, kde chce blogovať azda každý a blogové príspevky sa dajú nájsť na každom rohu? Ako sa blogovaním môžete stať niekým? Čo vedia najúspešnejší blogeri na svete a ktoré vedomosti (zatiaľ) chýbajú vám? Nech už ste ktokoľvek – mamička v domácnosti, nádejný bloger píšuci o móde, životnom štýle či stravovaní,[...]

Featured Knihy blog ikar motivácia novinka recenzia

Kto je bloger v roku 2017? Všelikto. ten, kto píše postrehy k aktuálnym spoločenským témam ten, kto píše recenzie na knihy, počítačové hry, techniku, atď. ten, kto sa na blogu venuje vareniu, kozmetike, záhradkárstvu, cestovaniu, mačkám, pivu… The post Natasha Courtenay-Smith: Blog za milión appeared first on .

Keby ste sa ma spýtali, kedy som si založil svoj prvý blog, odpovedal by som, že to bolo veľmi dávno. Keďže si presný dátum nepamätám, pozrel som sa teda do archívu. Môj prvý blog vznikol v lete roku 2011, teda pred šiestimi rokmi. Odvtedy som vyskúšal viaceré platformy a nakoniec skončil na blogspote, kde pôsobím dodnes. Blog som si založil preto, pretože sa mi páčila vízia podeliť sa[...]

In a world where everyone wants to blog and blog posts are ubiquitous, how do you stand out? How do you blog your way from nobody to somebody? How do you, as a business owner, use content to build your brand and drive your success?

Blogging has become the ‘it’ career of the modern world and every business knows that blogging should be an integral part of their marketing and success, but it’s actually never been tougher to be shine in the digital storytelling landscape.

No matter who are you – a mum at home, a budding fashion blogger or a small business owner –The Million Dollar Blog will be your ultimate guide to starting a successful blog or taking your existing blog to the next level.

Through a combination of practical advice and interviews with some of the world’s most famous and successful bloggers, vloggers and content strategists, including Seth Godin, Lily Pebbles, Grant Cardone and Madeleine Shaw, entrepreneur and digital strategist Natasha Courtenay Smith shows you how to build a blog that will increase your profile, create new opportunities, earn money and change your life.