Youth in Revolt: The Journals of Nick Twisp, Book One

C.D. Payne

Six months in the life of the world's most dangerous teenager.Youth in Revolt is the journals of Nick Twisp, California's most precocious diarist, whose ongoing struggles to make sense out of high sch...ool, deal with his divorced parents, and lose his virginity result in his transformation from an unassuming fourteen-year-old to a modern youth in open revolt. As his family splinters, worlds collide, and the police block all routes out of town, Nick must cope with economic deprivation, homelessness, the gulag of the public schools, a competitive Type-A father, murderous canines (in triplicate), and an inconvenient hair trigger on his erectile response—all while vying ardently for the affections of the beauteous Sheeni Saunders, teenage goddess and ultimate intellectual goad.

HODNOTENIE:   *****"Jmenuji se Nick. Až budu jednou velkej a stanu se gangsterem, budu možná spíš známej pod jménem Nick Píchač. Našim to asi zpusobí jistý rozpaky, ale když už dostaneš od svýho kmotra mafiánskou přezdívku, moc se nevyptáváš proč.Je mi čtrnáct (skoro) a bydlím v Oaklandu, v apatickym velkoměstě přes záliv od San Francisca. Píšu si ve skrovnym soukromí svýho pokoje na otravně[...]

Six months in the life of the world's most dangerous teenager.

Youth in Revolt is the journals of Nick Twisp, California's most precocious diarist, whose ongoing struggles to make sense out of high school, deal with his divorced parents, and lose his virginity result in his transformation from an unassuming fourteen-year-old to a modern youth in open revolt.

As his family splinters, worlds collide, and the police block all routes out of town, Nick must cope with economic deprivation, homelessness, the gulag of the public schools, a competitive Type-A father, murderous canines (in triplicate), and an inconvenient hair trigger on his erectile response—all while vying ardently for the affections of the beauteous Sheeni Saunders, teenage goddess and ultimate intellectual goad.