
David Nicholls

Douglas Petersen may be mild-mannered, but behind his reserve lies a sense of humor that, against all odds, seduces beautiful Connie into a second date and eventually into marriage. Now, almost three ...decades after their relationship first blossomed in London, they live more or less happily in the suburbs with their moody seventeen-year-old son, Albie; then Connie tells him she thinks she wants a divorce.The timing couldn’t be worse. Hoping to encourage her son’s artistic interests, Connie has planned a month-long tour of European capitals, a chance to experience the world’s greatest works of art as a family, and she can’t bring herself to cancel. And maybe going ahead with the original plan is for the best anyway. Douglas is privately convinced that this landmark trip will rekindle the romance in the marriage and might even help him bond with Albie.Narrated from Douglas’s endearingly honest, slyly witty, and at times achingly optimistic point of view, Us is the story of a man trying to rescue his relationship with the woman he loves and learning how to get closer to a son who’s always felt like a stranger.

  • Počet strán: 400 strán
  • ISBN13:9780340896990
  • Ďalšie vydania: My Tři na cestě

HODNOTENIE:    ****" - Všetko je v poriadku-, oznámil som. Zrejme to bola vzduchová bublina vo vodovodnom potrubí.  -O čom to hovoríš? - Connie sa posadila. -Nič sa nedeje. Nikde ani stopy po vlamačoch. -Nehovorila som o vlamačoch. Povedala som, že podľa mňa naše manželstvo dospelo ku koncu, Douglas. Myslím, že chcem od teba odísť.- Chvíľu som len sedel na kraji postele.  -Ale aspoňže to[...]

Tahle kniha mě dostala.Se vším všudy. Dotkla se něčeho tam uvnitř mě, oslovila mě a připoutala k sobě.Skoro každý den mě probudila o hodinu dříve než obvykle a pozvala na snídani ke kávě a ke svému vyprávění. Vytvořila pro mě zvláštní část dne, která normálně neexistuje, jen pro to, abych mohl sedět v křesle, kočky na klíně a hlavu ve světě, který je mi tak podivně blízký.Ani ne tak obsahem,[...]

Douglas Petersen may be mild-mannered, but behind his reserve lies a sense of humor that, against all odds, seduces beautiful Connie into a second date and eventually into marriage. Now, almost three decades after their relationship first blossomed in London, they live more or less happily in the suburbs with their moody seventeen-year-old son, Albie; then Connie tells him she thinks she wants a divorce.

The timing couldn’t be worse. Hoping to encourage her son’s artistic interests, Connie has planned a month-long tour of European capitals, a chance to experience the world’s greatest works of art as a family, and she can’t bring herself to cancel. And maybe going ahead with the original plan is for the best anyway. Douglas is privately convinced that this landmark trip will rekindle the romance in the marriage and might even help him bond with Albie.

Narrated from Douglas’s endearingly honest, slyly witty, and at times achingly optimistic point of view, Us is the story of a man trying to rescue his relationship with the woman he loves and learning how to get closer to a son who’s always felt like a stranger.