
Drew Barrymore
Dutton • 2015

Wildflower is a portrait of Drew's life in stories as she looks back on the adventures, challenges, and incredible experiences of her earlier years. It includes tales of living on her own at 14 (and h...ow laundry may have saved her life), getting stuck in a gas station overhang on a cross country road trip, saying goodbye to her father in a way only he could have understood, and many more adventures and lessons that have led her to the successful, happy, and healthy place she is today.

  • Počet strán: 288 strán
  • ISBN13:9781101983799
  • Ďalšie vydania: Divoký kvet

Žáner: motivačná literatúra/bibliografia Vydavateľstvo: Motýľ Počet strán: 248 Väzba: pevná s preobalom Originál názov: Wildflower Anotácia: Herečku Drew Barrymorovú netreba nijako výnimočne predstavovať. Je dobre známa už z čias, keď si v detstve zahrala v slávnom filme E. T – Mimozemšťan, a  tiež z mnohých ďalších filmov, prevažne rodinných komédií.  Svoj sen napísať knihu príbehov[...]

Wildflower is a portrait of Drew's life in stories as she looks back on the adventures, challenges, and incredible experiences of her earlier years. It includes tales of living on her own at 14 (and how laundry may have saved her life), getting stuck in a gas station overhang on a cross country road trip, saying goodbye to her father in a way only he could have understood, and many more adventures and lessons that have led her to the successful, happy, and healthy place she is today.