Herman: a novel

Lars Saabye Christensen (Steven Michael Nordby)
Arcadia Books • 2005

Eleven-year-old Herman is not that different from other boys-except that he is going bald. Presented with this dilemma, Herman uses his fertile imagination and comical viewpoint on life to navigate th...rough the rough seas commonly known as "growing up." In the process, he teaches everyone something about friendship, courage, acceptance, and love. Sometimes in the smallest of boys there beats the biggest of hearts.

  • Počet strán: strán
  • ISBN13:9781905147007
  • Ďalšie vydania: Herman

N - Minirecenzie

HODNOTENIE:   ***"-Iba čas môže pomôcť.--Čas je korytnačka.,- povie Herman.-Korytnačka?--Žerie šalát a nemôže mi pomôcť.-" (s.119).  Herman Fulkt  je obyčajný jedenásťročný chlapec. Do školy chodí na poslednú chvíľu, musí čeliť šikanovaniu trojice chalanov Glenn, Karsten a Bjornar. Jeho jedinou kamarátkou je ryšavá Ruby, ktorá je do neho platonicky zamilovaná. Dalo by sa povedať, že Herman[...]

Eleven-year-old Herman is not that different from other boys-except that he is going bald. Presented with this dilemma, Herman uses his fertile imagination and comical viewpoint on life to navigate through the rough seas commonly known as "growing up." In the process, he teaches everyone something about friendship, courage, acceptance, and love. Sometimes in the smallest of boys there beats the biggest of hearts.