Show & Tell Me the World

Tom Schamp
Little Gestalten • 2016

Oodles of painted images simultaneously explain daily life while welcoming readers to indulge in the details. As the pages unfold, Show & Tell Me The World guides readers through the nuances of ev...eryday life. Otto, the young furry protagonist, is seen on every page partaking in various daily activities. The previously humdrum tasks of eating a meal at the table or being tucked in at night are playfully presented alongside exciting episodes of riding in an airplane or attending a concert. The aesthetically entrancing scenes are grouped into categories such as the four seasons, athletics, the arts, a day at school, or even the mysterious and uncharted world below the sea. Each page of Show & Tell Me The World is filled with multitudinous details, which illustrator Tom Schamp has molded to suit both his bold style and the ever-unsatiated curiosities of children.

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Dnes len tak obrazom. Do knihy belgického výtvarníka Toma Schampa sa totiž môžete ponoriť a hodiny si plávať v jeho fantastickom podivuhodnom svete. Kniha je verná svojmu podtitulu, nájdete v nej skutočne všetko. Základom sú veci, ktoré nás obklopujú a s ktorými sa dieťa môže bežne stretnúť. Autor ich však spracúva do svojskej formy. Je […]

Oodles of painted images simultaneously explain daily life while welcoming readers to indulge in the details. As the pages unfold, Show & Tell Me The World guides readers through the nuances of everyday life. Otto, the young furry protagonist, is seen on every page partaking in various daily activities. The previously humdrum tasks of eating a meal at the table or being tucked in at night are playfully presented alongside exciting episodes of riding in an airplane or attending a concert. The aesthetically entrancing scenes are grouped into categories such as the four seasons, athletics, the arts, a day at school, or even the mysterious and uncharted world below the sea. Each page of Show & Tell Me The World is filled with multitudinous details, which illustrator Tom Schamp has molded to suit both his bold style and the ever-unsatiated curiosities of children.