The Emperor

Ryszard Kapuściński (William R. Brand a Katarzyna Mroczkowska-Brand)
Vintage • 1989

Haile Selassie, King of Kings, Elect of God, Lion of Judah, His Most Puissant Majesty and Distinguished Highness the Emperor of Ethiopia, reigned from 1930 until he was overthrown by the army in 1974.... While the fighting still raged, Ryszard Kapuscinski, Poland's leading foreign correspondent, traveled to Ethiopia to seek out and interview Selassie's servants and closest associates on how the Emperor had ruled and why he fell. This "sensitive, powerful. . .history" (The New York Review of Books) is Kapuscinski's rendition of their accounts—humorous, frightening, sad, grotesque—of a man living amidst nearly unimaginable pomp and luxury while his people teetered between hunger and starvation.

  • Počet strán: 167 strán
  • ISBN13:9780679722038
  • Ďalšie vydania: Cisár

Recenzie Vojnové

Čítané: 8/2018 Počet strán: 144 Väzba: brožovaná Vydavateľstvo: Absynt Rok vydania:2017 Úryvok : Cisár začínal nový deň počúvaním hlásení. Noc je nebezpečná doba, počas ktorej sa intriguje, a Hajle Sillase vedel, že to, čo sa deje v noci, je dôležitejšie ako to, čo sa deje cez deň. Cez deň mal všetkých na očiach, ale v noci to nebolo možné. Práve preto pripisoval ranným[...]

Cisár Ryszarda Kapuścińského je vynikajúcou reportážnou sondou o mechanizme konkrétneho autokratického režimu. Jeho precízna diagnostika však ponúka zovšeobecňujúce paralely aj pre súčasnosť.

Haile Selassie, King of Kings, Elect of God, Lion of Judah, His Most Puissant Majesty and Distinguished Highness the Emperor of Ethiopia, reigned from 1930 until he was overthrown by the army in 1974. While the fighting still raged, Ryszard Kapuscinski, Poland's leading foreign correspondent, traveled to Ethiopia to seek out and interview Selassie's servants and closest associates on how the Emperor had ruled and why he fell. This "sensitive, powerful. . .history" (The New York Review of Books) is Kapuscinski's rendition of their accounts—humorous, frightening, sad, grotesque—of a man living amidst nearly unimaginable pomp and luxury while his people teetered between hunger and starvation.