Precious Gifts

Danielle Steel

One act of love will change one family’s destinyAs a devoted mother, Veronique Parker has dedicated herself to her three daughters, before and since her divorce.Her world is turned upside down when he...her former husband dies suddenly, leaving her and their daughters astonishing inheritances: a painting of mysterious provenance, a château in the south of France, the freedom to pursue their dreams, and a shocking revelation from the past.The precious gifts he left will lead them on a journey certain to change Veronique and her daughters’ destinies in the most surprising of ways . . .From Rome to Paris, New York to Venice, Precious Gifts is an uplifting story about love, loss, and the gifts people pass on that can change lives beyond imagination . . .

  • Počet strán: 418 strán
  • ISBN13:9781446487730
  • Ďalšie vydania: Vzácné dary

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Každý si zaslúži lásku Ani ju netreba predstavovať. Mnohé dojemné námety boli sfilmované a nadšení čitatelia jej stále nemajú dosť. Danielle Steelová ponúka čitateľom príbehy zo života, ktoré rozochvievajú srdcia. Kniha Vzácne dary nie je jej poslednou novinkou na slovenskom trhu, takže čitatelia sa stále majú na čo tešiť. Čím však zaujme fanúšikov táto knižka?

One act of love will change one family’s destiny

As a devoted mother, Veronique Parker has dedicated herself to her three daughters, before and since her divorce.

Her world is turned upside down when her former husband dies suddenly, leaving her and their daughters astonishing inheritances: a painting of mysterious provenance, a château in the south of France, the freedom to pursue their dreams, and a shocking revelation from the past.

The precious gifts he left will lead them on a journey certain to change Veronique and her daughters’ destinies in the most surprising of ways . . .

From Rome to Paris, New York to Venice, Precious Gifts is an uplifting story about love, loss, and the gifts people pass on that can change lives beyond imagination . . .