Red Sky in Mourning: A True Story of Love, Loss, and Survival at Sea

Tami Oldham Ashcraft a Susea McGearhart
Hachette Books • 2003

Picture yourself in a tropical climate, sailing out to sea with your fiance. Life is perfect; you're young and in love. Then picture everything going horribly wrong. You inadvertently sail into a hurr...icane, you're injured, and you wake up to find that your loved one is gone. Your boat's motor is shot and your masts have disappeared. Utterly alone, you're weeks from dry land.Red Sky in Mourning is the story of Tami Oldham Ashcraft's 41-day journey to safety, which she survived through fortitude and sheer strength of character. Interspersed with flashbacks to her romance with her doomed fiance Richard, this survival story offers an inspiring reminder that even in our darkest moments we are never truly alone.

Myslím, že nebudem klamať, ak poviem, že v súčasnosti vychádza iba minimum kníh, ktoré sú inšpirované skutočnou udalosťou. Kniha Kým prišla búrka opisuje príbeh Tami, ktorej sa vďaka svojej odvahe a vytrvalosti podarilo po vyše štyridsiatich dňoch doplávať do bezpečného prístavu po tom, ako ju a jej snúbenca Richarda na mori postretla pohroma. Ocitli sa totiž v pasci na rozbúrenom mori,[...]

Bez hodnotenia Pre dospelých Recenzie

Možno ste počuli o filmovej novinke Adrift v hlavných úlohách so Shailene Woodley a Samom Claflinom, ktorá čoskoro dorazí do našich kín. Ale viete, že je príbeh založený na skutočných udalostiach? Nuž, ak vás zaujíma ich neprikrášlená verzia, určite siahnite po tejto knihe. "Je to nezabudnuteľný príbeh o láske, strate a prežití na rozbúrenom mori a o tom, že ani v tých najtemnejších [...]

Picture yourself in a tropical climate, sailing out to sea with your fiance. Life is perfect; you're young and in love. Then picture everything going horribly wrong. You inadvertently sail into a hurricane, you're injured, and you wake up to find that your loved one is gone. Your boat's motor is shot and your masts have disappeared. Utterly alone, you're weeks from dry land.

Red Sky in Mourning is the story of Tami Oldham Ashcraft's 41-day journey to safety, which she survived through fortitude and sheer strength of character. Interspersed with flashbacks to her romance with her doomed fiance Richard, this survival story offers an inspiring reminder that even in our darkest moments we are never truly alone.