Gallows Rock (Children's House #4)

Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (Victoria Cribb)
• 2020

On a jagged, bleak lava field just outside Reykjavik stands the Gallows Rock. Once a place of execution, it is now a tourist attraction. Until this morning, when a man was found hanging from it...The ...nail embedded in his chest proves it wasn't suicide. But when the police go to his flat, a further puzzle awaits: a four-year-old boy has been left there. He doesn't seem to have any link with the victim, his parents cannot be found, and his drawings show he witnessed something terrible. As detective Huldar hunts the killer, and child psychologist Freyja looks for the boy's parents, the mystery unfolds: a story of violence, entitlement, and revenge.

AUTOR:  Yrsa Sigurðardóttir ORIGINÁL: Gatið (Veröld, 2017, Reykjavík) PŘEKLAD: Hana Sichingerová (z anglického originálu Gallows Rock) NAKLADATELSTVÍ: Metafora ROK: 2021 POČET STRAN: 384 ZDROJ: vlastní Anotace Mladý a bohatý investor je nalezen oběšený na starém popravišti v lávovém poli Gálgahraun poblíž Rejkjavíku. Je ale zřejmé, že nejde o sebevraždu. Do hrudi má zabodnutý[...]

AUTOR: Yrsa Sigurdardóttir NÁZOV: Poprava (Gatið) VYDAVATEĽSTVO: Metafora/Grada (Verold) ROK VYDANIA: 2021 (2017) POČET STRÁN: 384 PREKLAD: Hana Sichingerová Na ponurých lávových polích nedaleko Reykjavíku stojí popraviště. Z místa, kde dřív končily životy odsouzenců, je dnes turistická atrakce. Nebo spíše byla – až do chladného rána, kdy byl na šibenici po desítkách let nalezen[...]

On a jagged, bleak lava field just outside Reykjavik stands the Gallows Rock. Once a place of execution, it is now a tourist attraction. Until this morning, when a man was found hanging from it...

The nail embedded in his chest proves it wasn't suicide. But when the police go to his flat, a further puzzle awaits: a four-year-old boy has been left there. He doesn't seem to have any link with the victim, his parents cannot be found, and his drawings show he witnessed something terrible.

As detective Huldar hunts the killer, and child psychologist Freyja looks for the boy's parents, the mystery unfolds: a story of violence, entitlement, and revenge.