
Nazanine Hozar
Knopf Canada • 2019

In Iran, 1953, a driver named Behrouz discovers an abandoned baby in an alleyway. When he adopts her, naming her Aria, he has no idea how profoundly this fiery, blue-eyed orphan will shape his future....As she grows, Aria is torn between the three women fated to mother her: the wife of Behrouz, who beats her; the wealthy widow Fereshteh, who offers her refuge but cannot offer her love, and the impoverished Mehri, whose secrets will shatter everything Aria thought she knew about her life.Meanwhile, the winds of change are stirring in Tehran. Rumours are spreading of a passionate religious exile in Paris called Khomeini, who seems to offer a new future for the country. In the midst of this tumult, Aria falls in love with an Armenian boy caught on the wrong side of the revolution. And before long she will be swept up in an uprising which will change the destiny of the land - and its people - forever.

  • Počet strán: 456 strán
  • ISBN13:9780345811820

Už dlhšie mi chýba na slovenskom trhu prekladový autor typu Khaleda Hoseiniho. Vydavateľstvo Lindeni sa podujalo priniesť na naše pulty román spisovateľky Nazanine Hozar a už podľa anotácie som vedel, že zívajúca diera v mojom čitateľskom vnútri bude konečne zaplnená. Historické i súčasné dianie v Iráne je pre našinca občas veľkou neznámou a akýkoľvek náhľad do tejto krajiny je vítaný. Najmä[...]

 Autor: Nazanine Hozar Originálny názov: AriaVydavateľstvo: Lindeni 2021Séria: -Diel: -Počet strán: 416Žáner: magický realizmusMoje hodnotenie knihy: 3,5*/5*Moje hodnotenie obálky: 5*/5* Anotácia: Epické rozprávanie o dospievaní na pozadí dramatických spoločenských zmien v časoch iránskej revolúcie. O tom, ako hlboko nás dokážu poznačiť kritické situácie, i o sile života, ktorý navzdory[...]

Aria je najdúch. Matka sa jej vzdala hneď po narodení. Nechala ju napospas osudu. Vojenský šofér Behrúz ju našiel v zastrčenej uličke, kde plakala, a nedokázal sa s ňou rozlúčiť. Ujal sa jej a pomenoval ju podľa hudobnej skladby. Chcel jej vytvoriť pekný domov, no jeho manželka nebola milá osoba. Aj keď sa veľmi snažil, nedokázal malé dievčatko uchrániť od tyranie, ktorá ho čakala v novom[...]

In Iran, 1953, a driver named Behrouz discovers an abandoned baby in an alleyway. When he adopts her, naming her Aria, he has no idea how profoundly this fiery, blue-eyed orphan will shape his future.

As she grows, Aria is torn between the three women fated to mother her: the wife of Behrouz, who beats her; the wealthy widow Fereshteh, who offers her refuge but cannot offer her love, and the impoverished Mehri, whose secrets will shatter everything Aria thought she knew about her life.

Meanwhile, the winds of change are stirring in Tehran. Rumours are spreading of a passionate religious exile in Paris called Khomeini, who seems to offer a new future for the country. In the midst of this tumult, Aria falls in love with an Armenian boy caught on the wrong side of the revolution. And before long she will be swept up in an uprising which will change the destiny of the land - and its people - forever.