The Girl from Nowhere

Eliska Tanzer

'A remarkable book about the hardest of beginnings written in a voice that is vibrant, sparkling, full of irrepressible humour, compassionate intelligence and ultimately forgiveness' Catherine Simpson...n For fans of Educated, this is the remarkable true story of a girl from a Romani ghetto in search of a better life. 'My mother's side of the family are Romani. Gypsies. No baby-snatching and tambourines, just resilient souls and richly coloured skin. I look most like them, with my brown eyes and scars. I don't have the richly coloured skin, though. Instead of deep bronze or golden ochre, I came out the colour of sunflower oil and, thanks to childhood malnutrition followed by years of low iron levels, I'm now the shade of an off-brand Simpson.' Eliska Tanzer is a dreamer. Born into a family of prostitutes in a Romani ghetto, she grows up in squalid conditions, with no running water, no education, and no future.Desperate to make her own way in the world, Eliska sets in motion a chain of events that will lead her to England, to school, and to within inches of her dreams.But the brutalities of her new life threaten to turn the dream into a nightmare.This is her story. A true story of resilience, determination, and hunger to learn. A story of a girl on the brink. A moving and timely memoir from a powerful new voice in literature.

Autor: Eliska Tanzer Originálny názov: The Girl from NowhereVydavateľstvo: Lindeni 2021Séria: -Diel: -Počet strán: 320Žáner: životopisMoje hodnotenie knihy: 3*/5*Moje hodnotenie obálky: 3*/5* Anotácia: Eliška sa narodila trinásťročnej Rómke a o desať rokov staršiemu nemeckému neonacistovi. Jej mama pochádzala z rodiny prostitútok z východoslovenského rómskeho geta a otec si zarábal ako[...]

Názov knihy vo mne evokoval príbeh týkajúci sa druhej svetovej vojny, poznamenaný útrapami židovského obyvateľstva pod nadvládou krutého režimu. Priznávam, podľahol som trendu literárnych návratov k tomuto obdobiu a už vopred som si vytvoril istý predpoklad. Aké príhodné! Práve unáhlené závery, predsudky a neopodstatnené postoje sú jedným z hlavných motívov diela, ktoré vás zasiahne svojou[...]

Kniha Vyrástla som v gete ma uchvátila obálkou a zapôsobila na mňa aj svojou anotáciou. Keď som dostala možnosť prečítať si juContinue Reading

'A remarkable book about the hardest of beginnings written in a voice that is vibrant, sparkling, full of irrepressible humour, compassionate intelligence and ultimately forgiveness' Catherine Simpson

For fans of Educated, this is the remarkable true story of a girl from a Romani ghetto in search of a better life.

'My mother's side of the family are Romani. Gypsies. No baby-snatching and tambourines, just resilient souls and richly coloured skin. I look most like them, with my brown eyes and scars. I don't have the richly coloured skin, though. Instead of deep bronze or golden ochre, I came out the colour of sunflower oil and, thanks to childhood malnutrition followed by years of low iron levels, I'm now the shade of an off-brand Simpson.'

Eliska Tanzer is a dreamer.

Born into a family of prostitutes in a Romani ghetto, she grows up in squalid conditions, with no running water, no education, and no future.

Desperate to make her own way in the world, Eliska sets in motion a chain of events that will lead her to England, to school, and to within inches of her dreams.

But the brutalities of her new life threaten to turn the dream into a nightmare.

This is her story. A true story of resilience, determination, and hunger to learn. A story of a girl on the brink.

A moving and timely memoir from a powerful new voice in literature.