The Night Stalker (Robert Hunter, #3)

Chris Carter
Simon & Schuster • 2011

An unidentified female body is brought into the Los Angeles County morgue. The cause of death is still unclear. Her body bares no marks; except for the fact that her most intimate parts have been stit...ched shut. But what shocks the pathologist the most is that the killer had left something inside her. Something so monstrous Detective Robert Hunter, of the Los Angeles Homicide Special Section, has to be pulled off a different case to take over the investigation.Within days a new body surfaces. Like the previous victim, she's also been stitched shut and something has been left inside her. Something as ingenious as it is grotesque. And the killer isn't done yet, not by a long shot.When his inquiry collides with a missing persons' case being investigated by the attractive, razor-sharp Whitney Meyers, Hunter suspects the killer might be keeping several women hostage. Soon Robert finds himself on the hunt for a murderer who is much more monstrous than he ever could have expected; a predator whose past hides a terrible secret, and who won't stop until each of his victims has brought forth the awful truth

Chris Carter patrí k autorom, ktorí na poli psychotrilerov ponúkajú to najlepšie zo súčasnej americkej tvorby. Nájdeme v nich hrdinu ako vystrihnutého z noirových filmov, dôslednú prácu kriminialistov, prefíkaného páchateľa a hlavne fungujúcu ťaživú atmosféru. Robert Hunter sa svojou temnou minulosťou a zanietenou túžbou po spravodlivosti ľahko vyrovná trendovým severským náprotivkom, no na[...]

Mohlo by sa zdať, že v L.A. sa objavuje jeden psychopat za druhým. Robert Hunter zo zvláštneho oddelenia vrážd nemá ani na chvíľu pokoj. Brutalita vrahov sa stupňuje. Tento prípad mu ukáže, že ešte nevidel veľa hrôzostrašných vecí.Do márnice privezú znetvorené telo mladej ženy. Na prvý pohľad nejaví známky násilia, no keď sa patológ pozrie bližšie, vidí, že má zašité intímne partie. Keď sa[...]

An unidentified female body is brought into the Los Angeles County morgue. The cause of death is still unclear. Her body bares no marks; except for the fact that her most intimate parts have been stitched shut. But what shocks the pathologist the most is that the killer had left something inside her. Something so monstrous Detective Robert Hunter, of the Los Angeles Homicide Special Section, has to be pulled off a different case to take over the investigation.
Within days a new body surfaces. Like the previous victim, she's also been stitched shut and something has been left inside her. Something as ingenious as it is grotesque. And the killer isn't done yet, not by a long shot.

When his inquiry collides with a missing persons' case being investigated by the attractive, razor-sharp Whitney Meyers, Hunter suspects the killer might be keeping several women hostage. Soon Robert finds himself on the hunt for a murderer who is much more monstrous than he ever could have expected; a predator whose past hides a terrible secret, and who won't stop until each of his victims has brought forth the awful truth