Time of Our Lives

Emily Wibberley a Austin Siegemund-Broka

A boy desperate to hold on, a girl ready to let go.Fitz Holton waits in fear for the day his single mother's early-onset Alzheimer's starts stealing her memory. He's vowed to stay close to home to car...e for her in the years to come--never mind the ridiculous college tour she's forcing him on to visit schools where he knows he'll never go. Juniper Ramirez is counting down the days until she can leave home, a home crowded with five younger siblings and zero privacy. Against the wishes of her tight-knit family, Juniper plans her own college tour of the East Coast with one goal: get out.When Fitz and Juniper cross paths on their first college tour in Boston, they're at odds from the moment they meet-- while Juniper's dying to start a new life apart for her family, Fitz faces the sacrifices he must make for his. Their relationship sparks a deep connection--in each other's eyes, they glimpse alternate possibilities regarding the first big decision of their adult lives. Time of Our Lives is a story of home and away, of the wonder and weight of memory, of outgrowing fears and growing into the future.

 Dokážu sa ich cesty spojiť? Zvíťazí láska alebo rozum? Dojemná jednohubka pre mladých!  Pre Fitza to mal byť ten najnudnejší týždeň v živote. Mama ho vyslala na exkurziu po vysokých školách, na ktoré aj tak nechce ísť. Do plánov mu však vtrhne očarujúca a neskrotná Juniper, ktorá počíta dni, kým vypadne na výšku. Napriek svojim odlišnostiam spolu objavujú úžasné študentské mestá. V očiach[...]

Emily Wibberley, Austin Siegemund-Broka | Nikdy na teba nezabudnem | 368 strán | CooBoo | Goodreads | Martinus | Preškoly Prvá veta: Je to príšerný nápad. Táto knižka ma zaujala preto, že na mňa kričala už z anotácie svojou oddychovou atmoškou a povedala som si, že práve teraz mi niečo také prospeje. Som veľmi rada, že som po nej siahla. Je to moja premiéra s autorskou dvojicou, ale[...]

A boy desperate to hold on, a girl ready to let go.

Fitz Holton waits in fear for the day his single mother's early-onset Alzheimer's starts stealing her memory. He's vowed to stay close to home to care for her in the years to come--never mind the ridiculous college tour she's forcing him on to visit schools where he knows he'll never go. Juniper Ramirez is counting down the days until she can leave home, a home crowded with five younger siblings and zero privacy. Against the wishes of her tight-knit family, Juniper plans her own college tour of the East Coast with one goal: get out.

When Fitz and Juniper cross paths on their first college tour in Boston, they're at odds from the moment they meet-- while Juniper's dying to start a new life apart for her family, Fitz faces the sacrifices he must make for his. Their relationship sparks a deep connection--in each other's eyes, they glimpse alternate possibilities regarding the first big decision of their adult lives.

Time of Our Lives is a story of home and away, of the wonder and weight of memory, of outgrowing fears and growing into the future.