A Darkling Plain (The Hungry City Chronicles, #4)

Philip Reeve

The final book of the thrilling Predator Cities series!London is a radioactive ruin. But Tom and Wren discover that the old predator city hides an awesome secret that could bring an end to the war. Bu...t as they risk their lives in its dark underbelly, time is running out. Alone and far away, Hester faces a fanatical enemy who possesses the weapons and the will to destroy the entire human race.The final book in the Predator Cities series, Philip Reeve's A Darkling Plain is the winner of the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize.

Autor: Philip Reeve Originálny názov: A Darkling Plain Vydavateľstvo: CooBoo 2021 Séria: Blood Heir TrilogyMortal Engines Quartet Diel:  4 časť 2/4 Počet strán: 288 Žáner:  YA, fantasy, steampunk Moje hodnotenie knihy: 3*/5* Moje hodnotenie obálky: 4*/5* Anotácia: Úžasné finále steampunkovej fantasy série Smrteľné stroje! Prímerie je len prchavou ilúziou. Tom Nathsworthy s[...]

Autor: Philip ReeveOriginálny názov: A Darkling PlainVydavateľstvo: CooBoo 2020Séria: Smrteľné strojeDiel: 4,5/5  Počet strán: 256Žáner: YA, fantasy, steampunkMoje hodnotenie obálky: 2/5Moje hodnotenie knihy: 3/5 Anotácia:"Štvrtý diel fenomenálnej steampunkovej fantasy série." Nový vek prosperity a mieru je konečne na dosah. Wren Nathsworthyová s otcom Tomom križujú vzdušné obchodnícke[...]

The final book of the thrilling Predator Cities series!

London is a radioactive ruin. But Tom and Wren discover that the old predator city hides an awesome secret that could bring an end to the war. But as they risk their lives in its dark underbelly, time is running out. Alone and far away, Hester faces a fanatical enemy who possesses the weapons and the will to destroy the entire human race.

The final book in the Predator Cities series, Philip Reeve's A Darkling Plain is the winner of the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize.