Words in Deep Blue

Cath Crowley a Кэт Кроули

This is a love story.It's the story of Howling Books, where readers write letters to strangers, to lovers, to poets.It's the story of Henry Jones and Rachel Sweetie. They were best friends once, befor...e Rachel moved to the sea. Now, she's back, working at the bookstore, grieving for her brother Cal and looking for the future in the books people love, and the words they leave behind.

Knihu od Cath Crowley s názvom Slová v hlbinách som mala v hľadáčiku odkedy vyšla. Skôr ako som si ju stihla kúpiť somContinue Reading

AUTOR: Cath Crowley NÁZOV: Slová v hlbinách (Word in Deep Blue) VYDAVATEĽSTVO: Zelený Kocúr (Random House) ROK VYDANIA: 2021 (2016) POČET STRÁN: 264 PREKLAD: Petra Pančíková Antikvariáty sú plné tajomstiev. Toto je príbeh antikvariátu Howling, kde čitatelia píšu listy neznámym ľuďom, milencom, básnikom. Je to príbeh Henryho a Rachel. Pracujú spolu, bok po boku, obklopení knihami a[...]

This is a love story.
It's the story of Howling Books, where readers write letters to strangers, to lovers, to poets.
It's the story of Henry Jones and Rachel Sweetie. They were best friends once, before Rachel moved to the sea.
Now, she's back, working at the bookstore, grieving for her brother Cal and looking for the future in the books people love, and the words they leave behind.