The Age of Empires

Robert Aldrich
Thames Hudson • 2007

The story of thirteen modern Empires, a story full of suspense, cruelty, conflict, heroism, great explorations and extraordinary feats of endurance, is told here with a rich profusion of illustrations... drawn from a wide range of vivid, colourful, authentic sources. This enthralling account, making use of the huge resources of modern scholarship, raises new subjects - from the differing role of men and women to ecology and food - but also shows us how the maps of explorations, the chronologies of the conquests, the pantheons of explorers, settlers and administrators, the balance sheets of commerce and all else that made up the Age of Empires play a key role in explaining the global civilization of today.

  • Počet strán: 320 strán
  • ISBN13:9780500251362
  • Ďalšie vydania: Novodobé ríše

Netreba byť vyštudovaným historikom ani lingvistom či geografom, aby sme veľmi ľahko vybadali vo svete vplyvy krajín, ktoré v ňom zanechali pred stáročiami svoju stopu. Stačí sa pozrieť na rozšírenie jazykov, názvy niektorých štátov alebo aj výskyt náboženstiev. Kolonizácia je predovšetkým novovekým prvkom, no k položeniu pevných základov dochádza už v predošlých historických obdobiach.[...]

The story of thirteen modern Empires, a story full of suspense, cruelty, conflict, heroism, great explorations and extraordinary feats of endurance, is told here with a rich profusion of illustrations drawn from a wide range of vivid, colourful, authentic sources. This enthralling account, making use of the huge resources of modern scholarship, raises new subjects - from the differing role of men and women to ecology and food - but also shows us how the maps of explorations, the chronologies of the conquests, the pantheons of explorers, settlers and administrators, the balance sheets of commerce and all else that made up the Age of Empires play a key role in explaining the global civilization of today.