The Dark Knight Rises: The Official Novelization (Dark Knight Trilogy #3)

Greg Cox
Titan Books • 2012

Every hero has a journey...Every journey has an end...Eight years have passed since Batman was last seen in Gotham City. Bruce Wayne's alter ego is hunted by the law, and nothing--it seems--can bring ...him back. Not even a brazen theft committed by the enigmatic and seductive cat burglar Selina Kyle--inside the walls of Wayne Manor itself.But then a deadly new threat appears, as if out of nowhere. Bane. Huge, powerful, and terrifyingly methodical, Bane is bent on spreading chaos and death. Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD are unable to stop him and have nowhere to turn. But after so many years, can the Dark Knight once again save Gotham from its gravest threat yet?The official novelization of the final chapter in Christopher Nolan's epic, The Dark Knight Trilogy.


Určite aj vy patríte k prívržencom úžasného Batmana, ktorý je však iný ako tí ostatní hrdinovia. Denno-denne zachraňuje život nevinným ľuďom, a to aj napriek tomu, že aj on je iba smrteľník. Preto sa niet čo čudovať, že ma naozaj nadchol. Čierna maska, obrnené auto a zaujímavý nepriatelia,... Práve o toto sa opierala kniha Temný rytier povstal, ktorú môžete nájsť v českej verzií. Ak sa vám[...]

Every hero has a journey...
Every journey has an end...

Eight years have passed since Batman was last seen in Gotham City. Bruce Wayne's alter ego is hunted by the law, and nothing--it seems--can bring him back. Not even a brazen theft committed by the enigmatic and seductive cat burglar Selina Kyle--inside the walls of Wayne Manor itself.

But then a deadly new threat appears, as if out of nowhere. Bane. Huge, powerful, and terrifyingly methodical, Bane is bent on spreading chaos and death. Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD are unable to stop him and have nowhere to turn. But after so many years, can the Dark Knight once again save Gotham from its gravest threat yet?

The official novelization of the final chapter in Christopher Nolan's epic, The Dark Knight Trilogy.