This Chicken is a T-Rex!: The Great Big Book of Animal Evolution

Cristina M. Banfi, Cristina Peraboni, Rita Mabel Schiavo a Román García Mora
White Star Kids • 2017

Did you know that today’s humble chicken is related to the legendary T-Rex? Find out how, in this lively look at evolution!  Now even the youngest readers will be able to understand the process of ev... evolution and how Earth’s creatures gradually transformed over millennia. Using fabulous, easy-to-follow illustrations, This Chicken Is a T-Rex! explains such fun facts as how the elephant’s trunk developed and why horses’ toes have transformed through time into hooves!

Že sa človek vyvinul z primátov je tak nejak jasné a aj keď je medzitým ešte veľa záhad, nepoznáme všetky evolučné kroky a až na nás ostatné druhy Homo vyhynuli, obecne všetci vieme, že sme z opice. Ale čo ostatné živočíchy? Ako deťom priblížiť evolúciu jednoducho a zrozumiteľne? To by sa mohlo podariť knižke To kura je T-Rex od Romána Garcia Mora. Študoval biológiu, ale venoval sa aj umeniu.[...]

Did you know that today’s humble chicken is related to the legendary T-Rex? Find out how, in this lively look at evolution! 
Now even the youngest readers will be able to understand the process of evolution and how Earth’s creatures gradually transformed over millennia. Using fabulous, easy-to-follow illustrations, This Chicken Is a T-Rex! explains such fun facts as how the elephant’s trunk developed and why horses’ toes have transformed through time into hooves!