The Chalk Man

C.J. Tudor

In 1986, Eddie and his friends are just kids on the verge of adolescence. They spend their days biking around their sleepy English village and looking for any taste of excitement they can get. The men are their secret code: little chalk stick figures they leave for one another as messages only they can understand. But then a mysterious chalk man leads them right to a dismembered body, and nothing is ever the same.In 2016, Eddie is fully grown, and thinks he's put his past behind him. But then he gets a letter in the mail, containing a single chalk stick figure. When it turns out that his friends got the same message, they think it could be a prank . . . until one of them turns up dead.That's when Eddie realizes that saving himself means finally figuring out what really happened all those years ago.

AUTOR: C. J. TudorNÁZOV: Kříďák (The Chalk Man)VYDAVATEĽSTVO: KalibrDĹŽKA AUDIOKNIHY: 9 hodín 29 minútINTERPRET: Vasil Fridrich Všichni máme tajemství. Před některými utíkáme, ale ony si nás najdou. A některé hry končí vždycky stejně… Cítíte to v lese, ve škole i na hřišti, cítíte to v domech a v lunaparku. Cítíte to na většině míst v malém městečku Anderbury… strach, že vás někdo nebo[...]

O knihe Kriedové správy ste už mnohí určite počuli a predpokladám, že veľa z vás ju už aj čítalo. Keď vyšla, tak sa o nej dosť písalo. Hlavne v Čechách bol „Křídak“ dosť populárny. Ja som knihu dostala už dávnejšie na Vianoce. Dostala som sa k nej až teraz.  Oplatí sa prečítať túto detektívku od C. J. Tudorovej? Píše sa rok … Čítať ďalej Kriedové správy (C. J. Tudorová)

In 1986, Eddie and his friends are just kids on the verge of adolescence. They spend their days biking around their sleepy English village and looking for any taste of excitement they can get. The chalk men are their secret code: little chalk stick figures they leave for one another as messages only they can understand. But then a mysterious chalk man leads them right to a dismembered body, and nothing is ever the same.

In 2016, Eddie is fully grown, and thinks he's put his past behind him. But then he gets a letter in the mail, containing a single chalk stick figure. When it turns out that his friends got the same message, they think it could be a prank . . . until one of them turns up dead.

That's when Eddie realizes that saving himself means finally figuring out what really happened all those years ago.