The Trouble with Women

Jacky Fleming
Square • 2016

The Trouble With Women does for girls what 1066 and All That did for boys: it reminds us of what we were taught about women in history lessons at school, which is to say, not a lot. A brilliantly witt...y book of cartoons, it reveals some of our greatest thinkers' baffling theories about women. We learn that even Charles Darwin, long celebrated for his open, objective scientific mind, believed that women would never achieve anything important, because of their smaller brains. Get ready to laugh, wince and rescue forgotten women from the 'dustbin of history', whilst keeping a close eye out for tell-tale 'genius hair'. You will never look at history in the same way again.

Autor: Jacky FlemingOriginálny názov: The Trouble With WomenVydavateľstvo: Lindeni 2021Séria: -Diel: -Počet strán: 128Žáner: non-fiction, satiraMoje hodnotenie knihy: 5*/5*Moje hodnotenie obálky: 5*/5*Anotácia:Môžu byť ženy geniálne? Prečo sme sa v škole učili len o dvoch či troch výnimočných ženách? A kde boli všetky ostatné? Táto brilantne rafinovaná knižka plná zábavných karikatúr odhaľuje[...]

Priatelia, urobme si taký malý test. Skúste vymenovať päť veľkých mysliteľov či vedcov. Máte na to 5 sekúnd. ŠTART! 4... 3... ah, už ste skončili? Bolo to jednoduché, však? Čo sa vám rýchlo vybavilo v mysli? Možno Einstein, Aristoteles, Jobs či Tesla? A napadlo vám aspoň jedno ženské meno? Nie?  Tak dobre, testík si zopakujeme. Opäť máte päť sekúnd na päť ženských mien z oblasti vedy,[...]

The Trouble With Women does for girls what 1066 and All That did for boys: it reminds us of what we were taught about women in history lessons at school, which is to say, not a lot. A brilliantly witty book of cartoons, it reveals some of our greatest thinkers' baffling theories about women. We learn that even Charles Darwin, long celebrated for his open, objective scientific mind, believed that women would never achieve anything important, because of their smaller brains. Get ready to laugh, wince and rescue forgotten women from the 'dustbin of history', whilst keeping a close eye out for tell-tale 'genius hair'. You will never look at history in the same way again.

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