The Red Pavilion

Robert van Gulik

A.D. 668A chance encounter with Autumn Moon, the most powerful courtesan on Paradise Island, leads Judge Dee to investigate three deaths. Although he finally teases the true story from a tangled histo...ry of passion and betrayal, Dee is saddened by the perversion, corruption, and waste of the world "of flowers and willows" that thrives on prostitution.

AUTOR: Robert van Gulik NÁZOV: Červený pavilón (The Red Pavillion) VYDAVATEĽSTVO: Slovenský spisovateľ (Heinemann) ROK VYDANIA: 2018 (1969) POČET STRÁN: 160 PREKLAD: Jarmila Samcová Slávny vyšetrovateľ sudca Ti opäť ožíva v napínavých fascinujúcich príbehoch, kde je zločin dômyselne skĺbený s hlbokou múdrosťou a malebným koloritom starej Číny. V Červenom pavilóne sa sudca Ti ešte v[...]

A.D. 668

A chance encounter with Autumn Moon, the most powerful courtesan on Paradise Island, leads Judge Dee to investigate three deaths. Although he finally teases the true story from a tangled history of passion and betrayal, Dee is saddened by the perversion, corruption, and waste of the world "of flowers and willows" that thrives on prostitution.