If He Wakes

Zoe Lea

You can always trust your best friend… can’t you?When Rachel discovers a Twitter message arranging a romantic liaison she assumes her husband is having an affair, and follows him. What she witnesses i...es is so much worse: a hit and run using his car.Meanwhile, Rachel’s friend and business partner Suzie is increasingly worried about her fiance, who’s not been in touch for days. When Suzie learns of huge debts racked up in her name she fears he has run out on her, but then the threatening calls start and she thinks something terrible has happened.Rachel and Suzie are both about to learn shocking things about the men they love, worse than they could ever imagine… Can their friendship survive?

Ak sa prebudí je napínavý krimiromán o tajomstvách, ktoré pred nami majú naši najbližší. Príbeh o priateľkách, ktoré spadli do špirály klamstiev, manipulácie a prázdnych sľubov. Príbeh o precitnutí, pravde, a o tom, že takmer nikdy nie je nič také, ako si myslíme… O knihe Rachel... The post Horšie ako si vedeli predstaviť: Aj najbližší môžu mať temné a hrozivé tajomstvá appeared first on[...]

You can always trust your best friend… can’t you?
When Rachel discovers a Twitter message arranging a romantic liaison she assumes her husband is having an affair, and follows him. What she witnesses is so much worse: a hit and run using his car.

Meanwhile, Rachel’s friend and business partner Suzie is increasingly worried about her fiance, who’s not been in touch for days. When Suzie learns of huge debts racked up in her name she fears he has run out on her, but then the threatening calls start and she thinks something terrible has happened.

Rachel and Suzie are both about to learn shocking things about the men they love, worse than they could ever imagine… Can their friendship survive?