Bring Me Back

B.A. Paris

Finn and Layla: young and in love, their whole lives ahead of them. Driving back from a holiday in France one night, Finn pulls in to a service station, leaving Layla alone in the car. When he returns..., minutes later, Layla has vanished, never to be seen again. That’s the story Finn tells the police. It’s the truth – but not the whole truth.Twelve years later, Finn has built a new life with Ellen, Layla’s sister, when he receives a phone call. Someone has seen Layla. But is it her – or someone pretending to be her? If it is her, what does she want? And what does she know about the night she disappeared?

AUTOR: B. A. Paris NÁZOV: Přiveď mě zpátky (Bring Me Back) VYDAVATEĽSTVO: Motto DĹŽKA AUDIOKNIHY: 8 hodín 10 minút INTERPRET: Teraza Dočkalová, Martin Pechlát Byli mladí a zamilovaní. Na dovolené ve Francii zastavili u benzinové pumpy a Finn si odskočil. Když se vrátil, byla Layla pryč a už ji nikdy neviděl. Aspoň tak vypovídal na policii. O mnoho let později se Finn zasnoubil s[...]

Finn and Layla: young and in love, their whole lives ahead of them. Driving back from a holiday in France one night, Finn pulls in to a service station, leaving Layla alone in the car. When he returns, minutes later, Layla has vanished, never to be seen again. That’s the story Finn tells the police. It’s the truth – but not the whole truth.

Twelve years later, Finn has built a new life with Ellen, Layla’s sister, when he receives a phone call. Someone has seen Layla. But is it her – or someone pretending to be her? If it is her, what does she want? And what does she know about the night she disappeared?