The Day We Disappeared
Penguin Books
• 2015
Annie has a secret. It's a heartbreaking secret she wishes she didn't have - yet Annie isn't broken. Kate has run away. It's proving difficult to reinvent herself, however, with one person always on h...er mind. Nobody is really who they seem. Even Annie and Kate aren't entirely sure who they are anymore. Can they work it out before their pasts catch up with them for good?
- Počet strán: 442 strán
- ISBN13:9781405911603
- Ďalšie vydania: Deň, keď sme zmizli
Annie has a secret. It's a heartbreaking secret she wishes she didn't have - yet Annie isn't broken. Kate has run away. It's proving difficult to reinvent herself, however, with one person always on her mind. Nobody is really who they seem. Even Annie and Kate aren't entirely sure who they are anymore. Can they work it out before their pasts catch up with them for good?