Eve of Man (Eve of Man, #1)

Giovanna Fletcher a Tom Fletcher
Michael Joseph • 2018

AGAINST ALL ODDS, SHE SURVIVED.THE FIRST GIRL BORN IN FIFTY YEARS.THEY CALLED HER EVE . . .All her life Eve has been kept away from the opposite sex. Kept from the truth of her past.But at sixteen it'...s time for Eve to face her destiny. Three potential males have been selected for her. The future of humanity is in her hands. She's always accepted her fate.Until she meets Bram.Eve wants control over her life. She wants freedom.But how do you choose between love and the future of the human race?EVE OF MAN is the first in an explosive new trilogy by bestselling authors Giovanna & Tom Fletcher.

Eve of Man Spisovatelé Giovana & Tom Fletcher | Nakladatelství Booklab | Překlad Nikola Jurníková | Hodnocení 4*/5* Představte si, že jste jediná dívka, žena, která má tu největší zodpovědnost. Žena, do které lidstvo vkládá veškeré naděje. Ta žena totiž může zachránit populaci a přivést na svět jako jediná dalšího potomka.Ženy přestaly rodit dívky, na svět přicházeli jen chlapci. Kdo[...]

Žáner: scifi, fantasyVydavateľstvo: SlovartSéria: Eve of Man  TrilogyDiel: #1Počet strán: 368Väzba: Pevná s preobalomOriginálny názov: Eve of Man Anotácia: Svet postihla pohroma, keď sa doň prestali rodiť dievčatá. Celých dlhých päťdesiat rokov sa ľudia snažia prísť na to, čo je za tým. Vedci robia pokusy, veriaci sa modlia. Až sa napokon predsa len dočkajú zázraku, v ktorý už pomaly nik[...]

Dokážete si predstaviť, že sa zo dňa na deň prestanú rodiť dievčatá? Že takýto stav trvá už 50 rokov, a ak The post Dcéra ľudstva – Giovanna a Tom Flatcher appeared first on Fantasy knihy.


All her life Eve has been kept away from the opposite sex. Kept from the truth of her past.

But at sixteen it's time for Eve to face her destiny. Three potential males have been selected for her. The future of humanity is in her hands. She's always accepted her fate.

Until she meets Bram.

Eve wants control over her life. She wants freedom.

But how do you choose between love and the future of the human race?

EVE OF MAN is the first in an explosive new trilogy by bestselling authors Giovanna & Tom Fletcher.