The Golden Cage (Faye's Revenge, #1)

Camilla Läckberg

An exhilarating new novel from a global superstar--a sexy, over-the-top psychological thriller that tells the story of the scorned wife of a billionaire and her delicious plot to get her revenge and b...ring him to his knees.Faye has loved Jack since they were students at business school. Jack, the perpetual golden boy, grew up wealthy, unlike Faye, who has worked hard to bury a dark past. When Jack needs help launching a new company, Faye leaves school to support him, waitressing by day and working as his strategist by night. With the business soaring, Faye and Jack have a baby, and Faye finds herself at home, caring for their daughter, wealthier than she ever imagined, but more and more removed from the excitement of the business world. And none of the perks of wealth make up for the fact that Jack has begun to treat her coldly, undermining her intelligence and forgetting all she sacrificed for his success. When Faye discovers that he's having an affair, the polished facade of their life cracks wide open. Faye is alone, emotionally shattered, and financially devastated--but hell hath no fury like a woman with a violent past bent on vengeance. Jack is about to get exactly what he deserves--and so much more. In this splashy, electrifying story of sex, betrayal, and secrets, a woman's revenge is a brutal but beautiful thing.

Zaužívané označenie Camilly Läckberg  už pomaly znie ako klišé, no hoci je na poli krimi viacero úspešných švédskych autoriek, kráľovná môže byť len jedna. Desaťdielna séria o zločinoch v mestečku Fjällbacka necielila iba na prvoplánové riešenie prípadov, ani sa nepredháňala v brutálnosti páchateľov. Rovnakou mierou ako na kriminalistické postupy sa zameriavala na osobný život ústredných[...]

En bur av guld Spisovatelka Camilla Läckberg | Nakladatelství Metafora | Překlad Martin Severýn | Rok vydání 2019 | Hodnocení 5*/5* Faye má všechno, o čem my ostatní jen toužíme. Úspěšného manžela, krásnou dceru, dokonalý byt a život. Žije si jako v pohádce, její rodina je pro ní celý svět. V jeden okamžik jí ale manžel o vše připraví.  Faye se ze všech sil snaží udržet svého manžela[...]

An exhilarating new novel from a global superstar--a sexy, over-the-top psychological thriller that tells the story of the scorned wife of a billionaire and her delicious plot to get her revenge and bring him to his knees.

Faye has loved Jack since they were students at business school. Jack, the perpetual golden boy, grew up wealthy, unlike Faye, who has worked hard to bury a dark past. When Jack needs help launching a new company, Faye leaves school to support him, waitressing by day and working as his strategist by night. With the business soaring, Faye and Jack have a baby, and Faye finds herself at home, caring for their daughter, wealthier than she ever imagined, but more and more removed from the excitement of the business world. And none of the perks of wealth make up for the fact that Jack has begun to treat her coldly, undermining her intelligence and forgetting all she sacrificed for his success. When Faye discovers that he's having an affair, the polished facade of their life cracks wide open. Faye is alone, emotionally shattered, and financially devastated--but hell hath no fury like a woman with a violent past bent on vengeance. Jack is about to get exactly what he deserves--and so much more. In this splashy, electrifying story of sex, betrayal, and secrets, a woman's revenge is a brutal but beautiful thing.