The Brightest Sunset (The Darkest Sunrise, #2)

Aly Martinez
• 2017

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.Bullshit.Words destroyed me. “I’m sorry. She didn’t make it.”“Daddy, he can’t breathe!” “There’s nothing more we can do for your do for your son.”Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.Lies.Those syllables and letters became my executioner. I told myself that, if I didn’t acknowledge the pain and the fear, they would have no power over me. But, as the years passed, the hate and the anger left behind began to control me.Two words—that was all it took to plunge my life into darkness.“He’s gone.” In the end, it was four soft, silky words that gave me hope of another sunrise. “Hi. I’m Charlotte Mills.”

☆☆☆☆  Autor: Aly MartinezNázev: Nejjasnější soumrak Nakladatelství: IkarRok vydání: 2019Počet stran: 240Nádherné zakončení série!Pamatuju si, že první díl jsem si zamilovala a měla přečtený hrozně rychle. Musela jsem vědět, co se bude dít dál a to samé se dělo i v druhém díle. Neodložitelné, prostě neodložitelné.Nebudu říkat o čem to je, protože spoilery k prvnímu dílu, ale můžu vám[...]

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.
Words destroyed me.
“I’m sorry. She didn’t make it.”
“Daddy, he can’t breathe!”
“There’s nothing more we can do for your son.”
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.
Those syllables and letters became my executioner. I told myself that, if I didn’t acknowledge the pain and the fear, they would have no power over me. But, as the years passed, the hate and the anger left behind began to control me.
Two words—that was all it took to plunge my life into darkness.
“He’s gone.”
In the end, it was four soft, silky words that gave me hope of another sunrise.
“Hi. I’m Charlotte Mills.”